Hace una semana termine de leer esta, Descargar Libros en PDF - Libros. Registrarse, o registrarte gratuitamente y al instante descargarte el libro en pdf o doc. Download Enfermagem medico cirurgica brunner pdf writer. Este trabalho tem o objectivo de responder a um momento de avaliao das Orientaes Tutrias da disciplina de Enfermagem: Enfermagem medico medixo phipps sands marek pdf. To assess the nutritional status of children submitted to ostomy for intestinal discharge. School of Education Course Unit Mwdico.
translate and validate to Portuguese the Scale of Student Satisfaction andSelf-Confidence in Learning.
Material and Methods:
methodological translation and validation study of a research tool. Afterfollowing all steps of the translation process, for the validation process, theevent III Workshop Brazil - Portugal: Care Delivery to Critical Patients wascreated, promoted by one Brazilian and another Portuguese teaching institution.
103 nurses participated. As to the validity and reliability of the scale, thecorrelation pattern between the variables, the sampling adequacy test(Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) and the sphericity test (Bartlett) showed good results. Inthe exploratory factorial analysis (Varimax), item 9 behaved better in factor 1(Satisfaction) than in factor 2 (Self-confidence in learning). The internalconsistency (Cronbach's alpha) showed coefficients of 0.86 in factor 1 with sixitems and 0.77 for factor 2 with 07 items.
in Portuguese this tool was called: Escala de Satisfação de Estudantes eAutoconfiança na Aprendizagem. The results found good psychometric properties anda good potential use. The sampling size and specificity are limitations of thisstudy, but future studies will contribute to consolidate the validity of the scaleand strengthen its potential use.
The use of technologies in teaching has shown to be an important tool to strengthen thelearning and competency building of health students and professionals. Among thetechnologies used, simulation has shown to be an effective teaching-learning strategy asit significantly structures the knowledge.
The use of available Information and Communication Technologies can favor the exchangeof practical with updated theoretical-scientific knowledge, besides encouraging theprofessional to adopt new practices(). The use of simulation as a pedagogical strategy is an attempt to reproducethe particularities of a certain clinical situation, aiming for a better understandingand management of this condition when it happens in a real-life context. To be affectiveand reach its full potential, the participants need to consider it as legitimate,authentic and real. As a cognitive and behavioral education strategy, it promotes highlevels of self-esteem and self-confidence, as it permits the internalization ofinformation and the satisfaction with the learning process(2).
Simulation allows the students to relate theory and practice to fully prepare them forthe moment something similar happens in real life. In the health area, the main purposeis to repeat essential aspects of a clinical situation in a fully controlledenvironment, which permits errors without causing real damage to the students or thepatients under their care(3-).
The benefits of simulation use in the education of future nursing professionals includebuilding the competences needed to exercise the profession, related to the practice ofskills and the development of clinical reasoning. It allows the individual to experiencepositive and negative aspects of direct patient care, mainly regarding professionalsafety(). When included in the study plans of Nursing schools, simulation-basedteaching is a way used to achieve this competency building().
The use of simulation in teaching provides high-quality care to the patients attended,as it promotes and develops the self-confidence and enhances the students' satisfactionlevels. Gta amritsar in pc download in window 7 free.
Nowadays, the constructs satisfaction and self-confidence have aroused great interest inresearch and have been investigated in a wide range of contexts. To understand thesatisfaction construct, one needs to interpret the conjuncture the term is used in, asthe word can refer to different actions.
Savita bhabhi episode 18 tuition teachers 2017. Check out the Horny Indian Savita Bhabhi Comics when they get released in $ 24.95 Click Here Savita Bhabhi Episode 18: Tuition Teacher Savita In this episode, Savita bhabhi plays a tuition teacher role. Savita Bhabhi Episode 18 – Tuition Teacher Savita Apart from being great in bed, turns out that Savita was also good in maths. So when she is requested to tutor her friend’s shy nineteen year old brother, Savita happily agrees. Savita being determined to help him out with his shyness in front of girls along with maths, starts on a weeklong seduction timetable. Does she manage to seduce the shy Suraj or will it end up being just a boring maths lesson? Download Tuition Teacher Savita and find out!! Savita Bhabhi Movie » Episodes » Episode 18: Tuition Teacher Savita. Episode 18: Tuition Teacher Savita. In this episode, Savitha bhabi plays a tuition teacher role. Her friend comes home one day saying that her brother is weak in math and she has to teach him. This guy is shy of girls and Savitha bhabi has to do more to excite his sensual.
Satisfaction requires the understanding of multidimensional aspects and can bevisualized through multiple perspectives(). It can be defined as a feeling of pleasure or disappointment, resultingfrom the comparison between the performance expected from the product (or outcome) inrelation to the person's expectations; or as the state of affective and cognitivecomposition in relation to the experience(8). Covering the users' satisfaction in the teaching sphere has beenconsidered a strong quality indicator in teaching institutions, mainly due to the factthat it appoints the efficacy of the teaching strategies used.
The students' satisfaction with the simulated practice goes beyond the feelingexperienced in traditional teaching and minimizes feelings of fear and anxiety about thefuture profession(-).
The etymological root of the word confidence remits to the belief in something orsomeone, a feeling that permeates the individual's life at different times and indifferent relationships().
The different forms of confidence, whether in society, in the public power, the monetarysystem and the institutions in general, are necessary, also to maintain theorder(12). In the work environment, among colleagues and with the organizationitself, confidence offers significant benefits to individuals and theirproduction(13), which implies positive results for the institutions' quality ratios. Thisidea can be incorporated in the academic environment, where confident students willreceive individual and collective benefits, besides contributing to the teachinginstitutions' quality ratios.
The terms confidence, self-confidence and self-efficacy in the scientific context areoften treated as synonyms, but confidence and self-confidence are important elements ofthe cognitive component of the individual's self-efficacy(). Emotions and feelings can directly influence the construction of thisattribute. Self-confidence can be interpreted as the conviction that the person needs tobe capable of doing or accomplishing something; it refers to the individuals' personalcompetency to achieve their own objectives(15).
High-fidelity simulation has been appointed as an effective pedagogical strategy thanksto the individuals' recognition of their performance improvements, as it allows thestudents to gain awareness of their true skills and perceive the positive and negativepoints, contributing to a more active attitude in the teaching-learningprocess(16). In that context, as the evidence about simulation use in teaching is stillincipient, the use of tools that can measure the gains offered to individuals trained ina simulated environment can contribute to the strengthening of the strategy, as well asits improvement(17).
The Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning was created by theNational League for Nursing (NLN), a league that works for excellence in nursingeducation. This scale was developed to measure the individuals' satisfaction andself-confidence gained through high-fidelity simulation. Composed of 13 five-pointLikert items, divided in two dimensions (satisfaction/05 items and self-confidence inlearning/08 items)(18). The validity of this scale was studied involving 395 students, including350 women and 45 men, with a mean age of 29 years. The reliability found usingCronbach's alpha corresponded to 0.94 for the satisfaction subscale and 0.87 for theself-confidence subscale.
In that sense, the objective in this study was to translate and validate to Portuguesethe Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning.
The methodological instrument translation and validation study was developed in twophase: the first phase consisted of the translation of the tool, following the criterionproposed by Ferrer et al.(). Two certified instructors translated the tool to Portuguese and aconsensus of the Portuguese version was reached. This version was submitted to acommittee of experts. Seven nurses specialized in nursing fundamentals were invited toparticipate, all of whom were familiar with simulation as a teaching strategy; only fourof them attended the meeting. After clarifying the study objective, the judgesformalized their consent by signing the informed consent form. The instrument items wereclassified as valid or not valid. The Content Validity Index (CVI)() was calculated and items with CVI of 100% had their translation maintainedin the final version of the tool, while items with CVI inferior to 80% suffered slightlanguage modifications. To continue this process, two instructors back-translated thetool, being one expert and another native English speaker, for the sake of comparisonwith the original version. After verifying that the meaning of the tool had not beenchanged, the semantic validation was accomplished, followed by a pretest with tennursing graduates who had already experienced simulation as a teaching strategy. Thepretest showed that all of them understood the tool properly. After receiving permissionfrom the others of the original scale, this study was submitted for Institutional ReviewBoard approval at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing andapproved under opinion 294.206/2013.
The second phase was the validation of the scale. For this phase, the event: IIIWorkshop Brazil - Portugal: Care Delivery to Critical Patients was created, promoted bya Brazilian educational institution in partnership with a Portuguese educationalinstitution. To participate in this workshop, nurses were invited, whetherprofessionally active or not, holding any graduate degree or not, with our withoutsimulation experience in teaching practice. This free event was disseminated in theprint and electronic press, offering 190 places for registration on the institution'swebsite. The participants were offered three optional days to take part; hence, each dayof the workshop consisted of 60 participants, being replicated for three days between08:30 and 18h. All places were filled in advance and, using the e-mails registered,prior reading material was forwarded. Out of the 180 participants who registered, 103attended the event. The workshop included a theoretical class about care delivery tocritical patients and simulation. Brazilian and Portuguese faculty with expertise insimulation and care delivery to critical patients offered the contents. After atheoretical discussion, the participants were divided and submitted to low-fidelitysimulated workshops and high-fidelity simulated training, followed by the respectivedebriefing.
To characterize the subjects, a tool was developed that included the followingvariables: age, sex, year of undergraduate course conclusion, years of experience,educational background data, employment data and experience with simulated teaching.After taking all phases of the event, the participants were joined in an auditorium andcompleted the scale. All participants manifested their acceptance to participate in theresearch through the signing of the informed consent form. Next, the data were coded inExcel worksheets and analyzed using the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences(version 22 for Windows).
In the first phase of the study, questions 2, 5, 6 and 13 obtained CVI scores inferiorto 80.0%, so that their formulation was modified. The wordinstrutor wasreplaced by professor, as the roles taken in the simulated environmentin the United States differ from the roles developed in the simulated environment inBrazil and Portugal. In these countries, a single person tends to serve as teacher,instructor and facilitator, who is the teacher. After this adaptation, the rest of theprocess happened regularly.
The final version of the scale in Portuguese is displayed in Figure 1.
In the second phase, among the 103 nurses who participated in the workshop, 100.0%agreed to participate in the research and made up the study sample. Most participants,90 (87.4%), were female and the mean age was 32.1 years, with a mean age of 20 and amaximum of 57 years. As for education, on average, their course conclusion year was2005. Sixty-four (62.1%) held or were taking a Lato Sensu specialization program, 47(45.7%) held or were taking a Master's program, 20 (19.4%) held or were taking a Ph.D.and 20 (19.4%) had not taken any kind of graduate program. Concerning their professionalactivity, 77 (74.8%) were professionally active, 48 (46.6%) in clinical nursing, 23(22.3%) were faculty and six (5.8%) service managers. As regards experience in simulatedteaching, 52 (50.5%) indicated they were not familiar with simulation as a teachingstrategy and 51 (49.5%) said they were familiar. What care delivery to critical patientsis concerned, 83 participants (80.6%) informed having first delivered care directly tothe patient in care practice and only 20 (19.4%) delivered that care in the laboratoryenvironment. As to the feeling of preparedness for that care, 86 (83.5%) informed theydid not feel prepared, while only 17 (16.5%) affirmed feeling prepared to cope with thatsituation.
Concerning the validity and reliability of the scale, the correlation pattern betweenthe variables, verified using the correlation matrix, showed 25.4% of correlationssuperior to 0.30. The coefficient of the sampling adequacy test (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) was0.83, Bartlett's sphericity test <0.001 and the coefficient on the anti-image matrixranged between 0.77 and 0.89.
What the extraction of the factors is concerned, the total explained variance showedthree eigenvalues superior to 1.00, with a cumulative percentage that explained morethan 60.0% of the total variance, suggesting that the scale could be divided in threefactors.
As to the factor rotation, the communality test demonstrated that items 4, 6, 8 and 10obtained lower estimates (0.50) but that, due to their proximity, they could bemaintained in the scale. The estimate for item was (0.18), suggesting the removal ofthis item from the scale. To verify the satisfaction and self-confidence factors withthe learning, exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal Varimax rotation and Kaisernormalization was applied, as demonstrated in Table1.
Table 1
Items | Factor 1Satisfaction | Factor 2Self-confidence in learning |
1 | 0.81 | -0.02 |
2 | 0.79 | 0.11 |
3 | 0.82 | 0.18 |
4 | 0.63 | 0.22 |
5 | 0.66 | 0.36 |
6 | 0.20 | 0.67 |
7 | 0.24 | 0.73 |
8 | 0.34 | 0.56 |
9 | 0.73 | 0.29 |
10 | 0.23 | 0.63 |
11 | 0.14 | 0.70 |
12 | 0.11 | 0.73 |
13 | -0.01 | 0.43 |
In the distribution of the scale in two factors, it was observed that item 9 in thissample behaved better in factor 1 than in factor 2, differently from the original scale.Hence, in this study, after a detailed analysis of the item, it was included in thestudent satisfaction factor.
The internal consistency analysis of the factors using Cronbach's alpha demonstratedcoefficients of 0.86 for the satisfaction construct (06 items); 0.77 for theself-confidence in learning construct (07 items) and 0.84 for the general scale.
Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a weak correlation (0.47) between satisfactionand self-confidence in learning (p< 0.01), indicating that these factors are notcorrelated.
In Table 2, a high correlation is observedbetween practically all items and the total scale, except in item 13.
Table 2
Items | Mean | Standard Error | Correlation with total (corrected) | Alpha if the item were eliminated |
1 | 4.70 | 0.54 | 0.41 | 0.84 |
2 | 4.69 | 0.59 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
3 | 4.73 | 0.49 | 0.59 | 0.83 |
4 | 4.74 | 0.56 | 0.49 | 0.83 |
5 | 4.69 | 0.54 | 0.61 | 0.83 |
6 | 4.05 | 0.76 | 0.55 | 0.83 |
7 | 4.16 | 0.85 | 0.63 | 0.82 |
8 | 4.46 | 0.61 | 0.57 | 0.83 |
9 | 4.68 | 0.49 | 0.62 | 0.83 |
10 | 4.42 | 0.81 | 0.52 | 0.83 |
11 | 4.35 | 0.72 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
12 | 4.23 | 0.76 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
13 | 3.55 | 1.12 | 0.24 | 0.86 |
Table 3 displays descriptive statistics of thescale factors.
Table 3
Factor 1Satisfaction | Factor 2Self-confidence in learning | ||
Mean | 4.70 | 4.17 | |
Median | 5.00 | 4.14 | |
Mode | 5.00 | 4.00 | |
Standard Error | 0.41 | 0.53 | |
Variance | 0.17 | 0.28 | |
Minimum | 3.17 | 2.43 | |
Maximum | 5.00 | 5.00 | |
Percentiles | |||
25 | 4.50 | 3.86 | |
50 | 5.00 | 4.14 | |
75 | 5.00 | 4.57 |
The Portuguese version of the scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence inLearning was called: Escala de Satisfação dos Estudantes e Autoconfiança com aAprendizagem. The subject students in the name of the scale was kept, in line with theoriginal scale. According to the original authors, however, the scale can be applied toany individual in the education process, without any restriction.
The psychometric tests showed a high correlation between the variables and a goodsampling adequacy for the study. As to the extraction of the factors, despite themathematical suggestion to divide the scale in three factors, as the tool was short andcontained few items, the recommendations of the original tool were followed, maintainingthe division of the scale in two factors. The need for further research on the number offactors in other studies is highlighted, as well as regarding the omission of item 13,which was present in the original scale and gave strong evidence for removal from thetool in all tests applied. In this study, the characteristic of this item may have beenimpaired by the non consideration of the theoretical part of the workshop as classcontents(21). Item 9 in the factor analysis behaved better in the student satisfactionfactor than in the self-confidence with learning factor. In the analysis of theformulation of this item, a trend is observed for the item to better assess satisfactionwith the resources used in high-fidelity simulation than self-confidence. Therefore, inthis study, this adaptation was made and the reconsideration of the behavior of thisitem in further research is suggested.
The internal consistency coefficients of the factors satisfaction and self-confidence inlearning in this study were lower than the coefficients in the original study, but arein line with other studies(22-).
In the same sense, concerning the level of significance, these findings are similar tothe findings by Smith and Roehrs(), in which the 68 nursing students investigated who used high-fidelitysimulation as a teaching strategy showed high satisfaction and self-confidence inlearning coefficients. The study appoints that the individual's satisfaction in learningin the simulated environment depends on the appropriate structuring of the strategy, andthat a design needs to be followed that includes: objectives, problem solving, studentsupport and debriefing. Any errors in this construction may compromise the teachingprocess. In that sense, the teacher responsible for the elaboration of this structureneeds to elaborate it cautiously and respect the principles and guidelines established,with a view to the effectiveness of low, medium or high-fidelity simulation.
Individuals' satisfaction and self-confidence in learning are important constructs inthe teaching environment. Measuring them can be a strong sign for the use and assessmentof teaching strategies.
In this study, the scale Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning wastranslated and validated for the Portuguese language, now called Escala de Satisfação deEstudantes e Autoconfiança com a Aprendizagem, used punctually in high-fidelitysimulation. The scale revealed good psychometric properties that revealed a goodpotential use of the tool.
The limitations in this study are the sampling size and specificity. Nevertheless,future studies will contribute to consolidate the validity of the scale and strengthenits potential use.
To the research subjects for having participated in this study.
1 Paper extracted from doctoral dissertation 'Simulação no ensino de enfermagem:validação de instrumentos de ensino-aprendizagem para a língua portuguesa', presentedto Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, PAHO/WHOCollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil.Supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES),Brazil, process # 2298-14-7.
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Hace una semana termine de leer esta, Descargar Libros en PDF - Libros. Registrarse, o registrarte gratuitamente y al instante descargarte el libro en pdf o doc. Download Enfermagem medico cirurgica brunner pdf writer. Este trabalho tem o objectivo de responder a um momento de avaliao das Orientaes Tutrias da disciplina de Enfermagem: Enfermagem medico medixo phipps sands marek pdf. To assess the nutritional status of children submitted to ostomy for intestinal discharge. School of Education Course Unit Mwdico.
translate and validate to Portuguese the Scale of Student Satisfaction andSelf-Confidence in Learning.
Material and Methods:
methodological translation and validation study of a research tool. Afterfollowing all steps of the translation process, for the validation process, theevent III Workshop Brazil - Portugal: Care Delivery to Critical Patients wascreated, promoted by one Brazilian and another Portuguese teaching institution.
103 nurses participated. As to the validity and reliability of the scale, thecorrelation pattern between the variables, the sampling adequacy test(Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) and the sphericity test (Bartlett) showed good results. Inthe exploratory factorial analysis (Varimax), item 9 behaved better in factor 1(Satisfaction) than in factor 2 (Self-confidence in learning). The internalconsistency (Cronbach's alpha) showed coefficients of 0.86 in factor 1 with sixitems and 0.77 for factor 2 with 07 items.
in Portuguese this tool was called: Escala de Satisfação de Estudantes eAutoconfiança na Aprendizagem. The results found good psychometric properties anda good potential use. The sampling size and specificity are limitations of thisstudy, but future studies will contribute to consolidate the validity of the scaleand strengthen its potential use.
The use of technologies in teaching has shown to be an important tool to strengthen thelearning and competency building of health students and professionals. Among thetechnologies used, simulation has shown to be an effective teaching-learning strategy asit significantly structures the knowledge.
The use of available Information and Communication Technologies can favor the exchangeof practical with updated theoretical-scientific knowledge, besides encouraging theprofessional to adopt new practices(). The use of simulation as a pedagogical strategy is an attempt to reproducethe particularities of a certain clinical situation, aiming for a better understandingand management of this condition when it happens in a real-life context. To be affectiveand reach its full potential, the participants need to consider it as legitimate,authentic and real. As a cognitive and behavioral education strategy, it promotes highlevels of self-esteem and self-confidence, as it permits the internalization ofinformation and the satisfaction with the learning process(2).
Simulation allows the students to relate theory and practice to fully prepare them forthe moment something similar happens in real life. In the health area, the main purposeis to repeat essential aspects of a clinical situation in a fully controlledenvironment, which permits errors without causing real damage to the students or thepatients under their care(3-).
The benefits of simulation use in the education of future nursing professionals includebuilding the competences needed to exercise the profession, related to the practice ofskills and the development of clinical reasoning. It allows the individual to experiencepositive and negative aspects of direct patient care, mainly regarding professionalsafety(). When included in the study plans of Nursing schools, simulation-basedteaching is a way used to achieve this competency building().
The use of simulation in teaching provides high-quality care to the patients attended,as it promotes and develops the self-confidence and enhances the students' satisfactionlevels. Gta amritsar in pc download in window 7 free.
Nowadays, the constructs satisfaction and self-confidence have aroused great interest inresearch and have been investigated in a wide range of contexts. To understand thesatisfaction construct, one needs to interpret the conjuncture the term is used in, asthe word can refer to different actions.
Savita bhabhi episode 18 tuition teachers 2017. Check out the Horny Indian Savita Bhabhi Comics when they get released in $ 24.95 Click Here Savita Bhabhi Episode 18: Tuition Teacher Savita In this episode, Savita bhabhi plays a tuition teacher role. Savita Bhabhi Episode 18 – Tuition Teacher Savita Apart from being great in bed, turns out that Savita was also good in maths. So when she is requested to tutor her friend’s shy nineteen year old brother, Savita happily agrees. Savita being determined to help him out with his shyness in front of girls along with maths, starts on a weeklong seduction timetable. Does she manage to seduce the shy Suraj or will it end up being just a boring maths lesson? Download Tuition Teacher Savita and find out!! Savita Bhabhi Movie » Episodes » Episode 18: Tuition Teacher Savita. Episode 18: Tuition Teacher Savita. In this episode, Savitha bhabi plays a tuition teacher role. Her friend comes home one day saying that her brother is weak in math and she has to teach him. This guy is shy of girls and Savitha bhabi has to do more to excite his sensual.
Satisfaction requires the understanding of multidimensional aspects and can bevisualized through multiple perspectives(). It can be defined as a feeling of pleasure or disappointment, resultingfrom the comparison between the performance expected from the product (or outcome) inrelation to the person's expectations; or as the state of affective and cognitivecomposition in relation to the experience(8). Covering the users' satisfaction in the teaching sphere has beenconsidered a strong quality indicator in teaching institutions, mainly due to the factthat it appoints the efficacy of the teaching strategies used.
The students' satisfaction with the simulated practice goes beyond the feelingexperienced in traditional teaching and minimizes feelings of fear and anxiety about thefuture profession(-).
The etymological root of the word confidence remits to the belief in something orsomeone, a feeling that permeates the individual's life at different times and indifferent relationships().
The different forms of confidence, whether in society, in the public power, the monetarysystem and the institutions in general, are necessary, also to maintain theorder(12). In the work environment, among colleagues and with the organizationitself, confidence offers significant benefits to individuals and theirproduction(13), which implies positive results for the institutions' quality ratios. Thisidea can be incorporated in the academic environment, where confident students willreceive individual and collective benefits, besides contributing to the teachinginstitutions' quality ratios.
The terms confidence, self-confidence and self-efficacy in the scientific context areoften treated as synonyms, but confidence and self-confidence are important elements ofthe cognitive component of the individual's self-efficacy(). Emotions and feelings can directly influence the construction of thisattribute. Self-confidence can be interpreted as the conviction that the person needs tobe capable of doing or accomplishing something; it refers to the individuals' personalcompetency to achieve their own objectives(15).
High-fidelity simulation has been appointed as an effective pedagogical strategy thanksto the individuals' recognition of their performance improvements, as it allows thestudents to gain awareness of their true skills and perceive the positive and negativepoints, contributing to a more active attitude in the teaching-learningprocess(16). In that context, as the evidence about simulation use in teaching is stillincipient, the use of tools that can measure the gains offered to individuals trained ina simulated environment can contribute to the strengthening of the strategy, as well asits improvement(17).
The Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning was created by theNational League for Nursing (NLN), a league that works for excellence in nursingeducation. This scale was developed to measure the individuals' satisfaction andself-confidence gained through high-fidelity simulation. Composed of 13 five-pointLikert items, divided in two dimensions (satisfaction/05 items and self-confidence inlearning/08 items)(18). The validity of this scale was studied involving 395 students, including350 women and 45 men, with a mean age of 29 years. The reliability found usingCronbach's alpha corresponded to 0.94 for the satisfaction subscale and 0.87 for theself-confidence subscale.
In that sense, the objective in this study was to translate and validate to Portuguesethe Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning.
The methodological instrument translation and validation study was developed in twophase: the first phase consisted of the translation of the tool, following the criterionproposed by Ferrer et al.(). Two certified instructors translated the tool to Portuguese and aconsensus of the Portuguese version was reached. This version was submitted to acommittee of experts. Seven nurses specialized in nursing fundamentals were invited toparticipate, all of whom were familiar with simulation as a teaching strategy; only fourof them attended the meeting. After clarifying the study objective, the judgesformalized their consent by signing the informed consent form. The instrument items wereclassified as valid or not valid. The Content Validity Index (CVI)() was calculated and items with CVI of 100% had their translation maintainedin the final version of the tool, while items with CVI inferior to 80% suffered slightlanguage modifications. To continue this process, two instructors back-translated thetool, being one expert and another native English speaker, for the sake of comparisonwith the original version. After verifying that the meaning of the tool had not beenchanged, the semantic validation was accomplished, followed by a pretest with tennursing graduates who had already experienced simulation as a teaching strategy. Thepretest showed that all of them understood the tool properly. After receiving permissionfrom the others of the original scale, this study was submitted for Institutional ReviewBoard approval at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing andapproved under opinion 294.206/2013.
The second phase was the validation of the scale. For this phase, the event: IIIWorkshop Brazil - Portugal: Care Delivery to Critical Patients was created, promoted bya Brazilian educational institution in partnership with a Portuguese educationalinstitution. To participate in this workshop, nurses were invited, whetherprofessionally active or not, holding any graduate degree or not, with our withoutsimulation experience in teaching practice. This free event was disseminated in theprint and electronic press, offering 190 places for registration on the institution'swebsite. The participants were offered three optional days to take part; hence, each dayof the workshop consisted of 60 participants, being replicated for three days between08:30 and 18h. All places were filled in advance and, using the e-mails registered,prior reading material was forwarded. Out of the 180 participants who registered, 103attended the event. The workshop included a theoretical class about care delivery tocritical patients and simulation. Brazilian and Portuguese faculty with expertise insimulation and care delivery to critical patients offered the contents. After atheoretical discussion, the participants were divided and submitted to low-fidelitysimulated workshops and high-fidelity simulated training, followed by the respectivedebriefing.
To characterize the subjects, a tool was developed that included the followingvariables: age, sex, year of undergraduate course conclusion, years of experience,educational background data, employment data and experience with simulated teaching.After taking all phases of the event, the participants were joined in an auditorium andcompleted the scale. All participants manifested their acceptance to participate in theresearch through the signing of the informed consent form. Next, the data were coded inExcel worksheets and analyzed using the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences(version 22 for Windows).
In the first phase of the study, questions 2, 5, 6 and 13 obtained CVI scores inferiorto 80.0%, so that their formulation was modified. The wordinstrutor wasreplaced by professor, as the roles taken in the simulated environmentin the United States differ from the roles developed in the simulated environment inBrazil and Portugal. In these countries, a single person tends to serve as teacher,instructor and facilitator, who is the teacher. After this adaptation, the rest of theprocess happened regularly.
The final version of the scale in Portuguese is displayed in Figure 1.
In the second phase, among the 103 nurses who participated in the workshop, 100.0%agreed to participate in the research and made up the study sample. Most participants,90 (87.4%), were female and the mean age was 32.1 years, with a mean age of 20 and amaximum of 57 years. As for education, on average, their course conclusion year was2005. Sixty-four (62.1%) held or were taking a Lato Sensu specialization program, 47(45.7%) held or were taking a Master's program, 20 (19.4%) held or were taking a Ph.D.and 20 (19.4%) had not taken any kind of graduate program. Concerning their professionalactivity, 77 (74.8%) were professionally active, 48 (46.6%) in clinical nursing, 23(22.3%) were faculty and six (5.8%) service managers. As regards experience in simulatedteaching, 52 (50.5%) indicated they were not familiar with simulation as a teachingstrategy and 51 (49.5%) said they were familiar. What care delivery to critical patientsis concerned, 83 participants (80.6%) informed having first delivered care directly tothe patient in care practice and only 20 (19.4%) delivered that care in the laboratoryenvironment. As to the feeling of preparedness for that care, 86 (83.5%) informed theydid not feel prepared, while only 17 (16.5%) affirmed feeling prepared to cope with thatsituation.
Concerning the validity and reliability of the scale, the correlation pattern betweenthe variables, verified using the correlation matrix, showed 25.4% of correlationssuperior to 0.30. The coefficient of the sampling adequacy test (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) was0.83, Bartlett's sphericity test <0.001 and the coefficient on the anti-image matrixranged between 0.77 and 0.89.
What the extraction of the factors is concerned, the total explained variance showedthree eigenvalues superior to 1.00, with a cumulative percentage that explained morethan 60.0% of the total variance, suggesting that the scale could be divided in threefactors.
As to the factor rotation, the communality test demonstrated that items 4, 6, 8 and 10obtained lower estimates (0.50) but that, due to their proximity, they could bemaintained in the scale. The estimate for item was (0.18), suggesting the removal ofthis item from the scale. To verify the satisfaction and self-confidence factors withthe learning, exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal Varimax rotation and Kaisernormalization was applied, as demonstrated in Table1.
Table 1
Items | Factor 1Satisfaction | Factor 2Self-confidence in learning |
1 | 0.81 | -0.02 |
2 | 0.79 | 0.11 |
3 | 0.82 | 0.18 |
4 | 0.63 | 0.22 |
5 | 0.66 | 0.36 |
6 | 0.20 | 0.67 |
7 | 0.24 | 0.73 |
8 | 0.34 | 0.56 |
9 | 0.73 | 0.29 |
10 | 0.23 | 0.63 |
11 | 0.14 | 0.70 |
12 | 0.11 | 0.73 |
13 | -0.01 | 0.43 |
In the distribution of the scale in two factors, it was observed that item 9 in thissample behaved better in factor 1 than in factor 2, differently from the original scale.Hence, in this study, after a detailed analysis of the item, it was included in thestudent satisfaction factor.
The internal consistency analysis of the factors using Cronbach's alpha demonstratedcoefficients of 0.86 for the satisfaction construct (06 items); 0.77 for theself-confidence in learning construct (07 items) and 0.84 for the general scale.
Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a weak correlation (0.47) between satisfactionand self-confidence in learning (p< 0.01), indicating that these factors are notcorrelated.
In Table 2, a high correlation is observedbetween practically all items and the total scale, except in item 13.
Table 2
Items | Mean | Standard Error | Correlation with total (corrected) | Alpha if the item were eliminated |
1 | 4.70 | 0.54 | 0.41 | 0.84 |
2 | 4.69 | 0.59 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
3 | 4.73 | 0.49 | 0.59 | 0.83 |
4 | 4.74 | 0.56 | 0.49 | 0.83 |
5 | 4.69 | 0.54 | 0.61 | 0.83 |
6 | 4.05 | 0.76 | 0.55 | 0.83 |
7 | 4.16 | 0.85 | 0.63 | 0.82 |
8 | 4.46 | 0.61 | 0.57 | 0.83 |
9 | 4.68 | 0.49 | 0.62 | 0.83 |
10 | 4.42 | 0.81 | 0.52 | 0.83 |
11 | 4.35 | 0.72 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
12 | 4.23 | 0.76 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
13 | 3.55 | 1.12 | 0.24 | 0.86 |
Table 3 displays descriptive statistics of thescale factors.
Table 3
Factor 1Satisfaction | Factor 2Self-confidence in learning | ||
Mean | 4.70 | 4.17 | |
Median | 5.00 | 4.14 | |
Mode | 5.00 | 4.00 | |
Standard Error | 0.41 | 0.53 | |
Variance | 0.17 | 0.28 | |
Minimum | 3.17 | 2.43 | |
Maximum | 5.00 | 5.00 | |
Percentiles | |||
25 | 4.50 | 3.86 | |
50 | 5.00 | 4.14 | |
75 | 5.00 | 4.57 |
The Portuguese version of the scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence inLearning was called: Escala de Satisfação dos Estudantes e Autoconfiança com aAprendizagem. The subject students in the name of the scale was kept, in line with theoriginal scale. According to the original authors, however, the scale can be applied toany individual in the education process, without any restriction.
The psychometric tests showed a high correlation between the variables and a goodsampling adequacy for the study. As to the extraction of the factors, despite themathematical suggestion to divide the scale in three factors, as the tool was short andcontained few items, the recommendations of the original tool were followed, maintainingthe division of the scale in two factors. The need for further research on the number offactors in other studies is highlighted, as well as regarding the omission of item 13,which was present in the original scale and gave strong evidence for removal from thetool in all tests applied. In this study, the characteristic of this item may have beenimpaired by the non consideration of the theoretical part of the workshop as classcontents(21). Item 9 in the factor analysis behaved better in the student satisfactionfactor than in the self-confidence with learning factor. In the analysis of theformulation of this item, a trend is observed for the item to better assess satisfactionwith the resources used in high-fidelity simulation than self-confidence. Therefore, inthis study, this adaptation was made and the reconsideration of the behavior of thisitem in further research is suggested.
The internal consistency coefficients of the factors satisfaction and self-confidence inlearning in this study were lower than the coefficients in the original study, but arein line with other studies(22-).
In the same sense, concerning the level of significance, these findings are similar tothe findings by Smith and Roehrs(), in which the 68 nursing students investigated who used high-fidelitysimulation as a teaching strategy showed high satisfaction and self-confidence inlearning coefficients. The study appoints that the individual's satisfaction in learningin the simulated environment depends on the appropriate structuring of the strategy, andthat a design needs to be followed that includes: objectives, problem solving, studentsupport and debriefing. Any errors in this construction may compromise the teachingprocess. In that sense, the teacher responsible for the elaboration of this structureneeds to elaborate it cautiously and respect the principles and guidelines established,with a view to the effectiveness of low, medium or high-fidelity simulation.
Individuals' satisfaction and self-confidence in learning are important constructs inthe teaching environment. Measuring them can be a strong sign for the use and assessmentof teaching strategies.
In this study, the scale Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning wastranslated and validated for the Portuguese language, now called Escala de Satisfação deEstudantes e Autoconfiança com a Aprendizagem, used punctually in high-fidelitysimulation. The scale revealed good psychometric properties that revealed a goodpotential use of the tool.
The limitations in this study are the sampling size and specificity. Nevertheless,future studies will contribute to consolidate the validity of the scale and strengthenits potential use.
To the research subjects for having participated in this study.
1 Paper extracted from doctoral dissertation 'Simulação no ensino de enfermagem:validação de instrumentos de ensino-aprendizagem para a língua portuguesa', presentedto Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, PAHO/WHOCollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil.Supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES),Brazil, process # 2298-14-7.
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translate and validate to Portuguese the Scale of Student Satisfaction andSelf-Confidence in Learning.
Material and Methods:
methodological translation and validation study of a research tool. Afterfollowing all steps of the translation process, for the validation process, theevent III Workshop Brazil - Portugal: Care Delivery to Critical Patients wascreated, promoted by one Brazilian and another Portuguese teaching institution.
103 nurses participated. As to the validity and reliability of the scale, thecorrelation pattern between the variables, the sampling adequacy test(Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) and the sphericity test (Bartlett) showed good results. Inthe exploratory factorial analysis (Varimax), item 9 behaved better in factor 1(Satisfaction) than in factor 2 (Self-confidence in learning). The internalconsistency (Cronbach's alpha) showed coefficients of 0.86 in factor 1 with sixitems and 0.77 for factor 2 with 07 items.
in Portuguese this tool was called: Escala de Satisfação de Estudantes eAutoconfiança na Aprendizagem. The results found good psychometric properties anda good potential use. The sampling size and specificity are limitations of thisstudy, but future studies will contribute to consolidate the validity of the scaleand strengthen its potential use.
The use of technologies in teaching has shown to be an important tool to strengthen thelearning and competency building of health students and professionals. Among thetechnologies used, simulation has shown to be an effective teaching-learning strategy asit significantly structures the knowledge.
The use of available Information and Communication Technologies can favor the exchangeof practical with updated theoretical-scientific knowledge, besides encouraging theprofessional to adopt new practices(). The use of simulation as a pedagogical strategy is an attempt to reproducethe particularities of a certain clinical situation, aiming for a better understandingand management of this condition when it happens in a real-life context. To be affectiveand reach its full potential, the participants need to consider it as legitimate,authentic and real. As a cognitive and behavioral education strategy, it promotes highlevels of self-esteem and self-confidence, as it permits the internalization ofinformation and the satisfaction with the learning process(2).
Simulation allows the students to relate theory and practice to fully prepare them forthe moment something similar happens in real life. In the health area, the main purposeis to repeat essential aspects of a clinical situation in a fully controlledenvironment, which permits errors without causing real damage to the students or thepatients under their care(3-).
The benefits of simulation use in the education of future nursing professionals includebuilding the competences needed to exercise the profession, related to the practice ofskills and the development of clinical reasoning. It allows the individual to experiencepositive and negative aspects of direct patient care, mainly regarding professionalsafety(). When included in the study plans of Nursing schools, simulation-basedteaching is a way used to achieve this competency building().
The use of simulation in teaching provides high-quality care to the patients attended,as it promotes and develops the self-confidence and enhances the students' satisfactionlevels. Gta amritsar in pc download in window 7 free.
Nowadays, the constructs satisfaction and self-confidence have aroused great interest inresearch and have been investigated in a wide range of contexts. To understand thesatisfaction construct, one needs to interpret the conjuncture the term is used in, asthe word can refer to different actions.
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Satisfaction requires the understanding of multidimensional aspects and can bevisualized through multiple perspectives(). It can be defined as a feeling of pleasure or disappointment, resultingfrom the comparison between the performance expected from the product (or outcome) inrelation to the person's expectations; or as the state of affective and cognitivecomposition in relation to the experience(8). Covering the users' satisfaction in the teaching sphere has beenconsidered a strong quality indicator in teaching institutions, mainly due to the factthat it appoints the efficacy of the teaching strategies used.
The students' satisfaction with the simulated practice goes beyond the feelingexperienced in traditional teaching and minimizes feelings of fear and anxiety about thefuture profession(-).
The etymological root of the word confidence remits to the belief in something orsomeone, a feeling that permeates the individual's life at different times and indifferent relationships().
The different forms of confidence, whether in society, in the public power, the monetarysystem and the institutions in general, are necessary, also to maintain theorder(12). In the work environment, among colleagues and with the organizationitself, confidence offers significant benefits to individuals and theirproduction(13), which implies positive results for the institutions' quality ratios. Thisidea can be incorporated in the academic environment, where confident students willreceive individual and collective benefits, besides contributing to the teachinginstitutions' quality ratios.
The terms confidence, self-confidence and self-efficacy in the scientific context areoften treated as synonyms, but confidence and self-confidence are important elements ofthe cognitive component of the individual's self-efficacy(). Emotions and feelings can directly influence the construction of thisattribute. Self-confidence can be interpreted as the conviction that the person needs tobe capable of doing or accomplishing something; it refers to the individuals' personalcompetency to achieve their own objectives(15).
High-fidelity simulation has been appointed as an effective pedagogical strategy thanksto the individuals' recognition of their performance improvements, as it allows thestudents to gain awareness of their true skills and perceive the positive and negativepoints, contributing to a more active attitude in the teaching-learningprocess(16). In that context, as the evidence about simulation use in teaching is stillincipient, the use of tools that can measure the gains offered to individuals trained ina simulated environment can contribute to the strengthening of the strategy, as well asits improvement(17).
The Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning was created by theNational League for Nursing (NLN), a league that works for excellence in nursingeducation. This scale was developed to measure the individuals' satisfaction andself-confidence gained through high-fidelity simulation. Composed of 13 five-pointLikert items, divided in two dimensions (satisfaction/05 items and self-confidence inlearning/08 items)(18). The validity of this scale was studied involving 395 students, including350 women and 45 men, with a mean age of 29 years. The reliability found usingCronbach's alpha corresponded to 0.94 for the satisfaction subscale and 0.87 for theself-confidence subscale.
In that sense, the objective in this study was to translate and validate to Portuguesethe Scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning.
The methodological instrument translation and validation study was developed in twophase: the first phase consisted of the translation of the tool, following the criterionproposed by Ferrer et al.(). Two certified instructors translated the tool to Portuguese and aconsensus of the Portuguese version was reached. This version was submitted to acommittee of experts. Seven nurses specialized in nursing fundamentals were invited toparticipate, all of whom were familiar with simulation as a teaching strategy; only fourof them attended the meeting. After clarifying the study objective, the judgesformalized their consent by signing the informed consent form. The instrument items wereclassified as valid or not valid. The Content Validity Index (CVI)() was calculated and items with CVI of 100% had their translation maintainedin the final version of the tool, while items with CVI inferior to 80% suffered slightlanguage modifications. To continue this process, two instructors back-translated thetool, being one expert and another native English speaker, for the sake of comparisonwith the original version. After verifying that the meaning of the tool had not beenchanged, the semantic validation was accomplished, followed by a pretest with tennursing graduates who had already experienced simulation as a teaching strategy. Thepretest showed that all of them understood the tool properly. After receiving permissionfrom the others of the original scale, this study was submitted for Institutional ReviewBoard approval at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing andapproved under opinion 294.206/2013.
The second phase was the validation of the scale. For this phase, the event: IIIWorkshop Brazil - Portugal: Care Delivery to Critical Patients was created, promoted bya Brazilian educational institution in partnership with a Portuguese educationalinstitution. To participate in this workshop, nurses were invited, whetherprofessionally active or not, holding any graduate degree or not, with our withoutsimulation experience in teaching practice. This free event was disseminated in theprint and electronic press, offering 190 places for registration on the institution'swebsite. The participants were offered three optional days to take part; hence, each dayof the workshop consisted of 60 participants, being replicated for three days between08:30 and 18h. All places were filled in advance and, using the e-mails registered,prior reading material was forwarded. Out of the 180 participants who registered, 103attended the event. The workshop included a theoretical class about care delivery tocritical patients and simulation. Brazilian and Portuguese faculty with expertise insimulation and care delivery to critical patients offered the contents. After atheoretical discussion, the participants were divided and submitted to low-fidelitysimulated workshops and high-fidelity simulated training, followed by the respectivedebriefing.
To characterize the subjects, a tool was developed that included the followingvariables: age, sex, year of undergraduate course conclusion, years of experience,educational background data, employment data and experience with simulated teaching.After taking all phases of the event, the participants were joined in an auditorium andcompleted the scale. All participants manifested their acceptance to participate in theresearch through the signing of the informed consent form. Next, the data were coded inExcel worksheets and analyzed using the software Statistical Package for Social Sciences(version 22 for Windows).
In the first phase of the study, questions 2, 5, 6 and 13 obtained CVI scores inferiorto 80.0%, so that their formulation was modified. The wordinstrutor wasreplaced by professor, as the roles taken in the simulated environmentin the United States differ from the roles developed in the simulated environment inBrazil and Portugal. In these countries, a single person tends to serve as teacher,instructor and facilitator, who is the teacher. After this adaptation, the rest of theprocess happened regularly.
The final version of the scale in Portuguese is displayed in Figure 1.
In the second phase, among the 103 nurses who participated in the workshop, 100.0%agreed to participate in the research and made up the study sample. Most participants,90 (87.4%), were female and the mean age was 32.1 years, with a mean age of 20 and amaximum of 57 years. As for education, on average, their course conclusion year was2005. Sixty-four (62.1%) held or were taking a Lato Sensu specialization program, 47(45.7%) held or were taking a Master's program, 20 (19.4%) held or were taking a Ph.D.and 20 (19.4%) had not taken any kind of graduate program. Concerning their professionalactivity, 77 (74.8%) were professionally active, 48 (46.6%) in clinical nursing, 23(22.3%) were faculty and six (5.8%) service managers. As regards experience in simulatedteaching, 52 (50.5%) indicated they were not familiar with simulation as a teachingstrategy and 51 (49.5%) said they were familiar. What care delivery to critical patientsis concerned, 83 participants (80.6%) informed having first delivered care directly tothe patient in care practice and only 20 (19.4%) delivered that care in the laboratoryenvironment. As to the feeling of preparedness for that care, 86 (83.5%) informed theydid not feel prepared, while only 17 (16.5%) affirmed feeling prepared to cope with thatsituation.
Concerning the validity and reliability of the scale, the correlation pattern betweenthe variables, verified using the correlation matrix, showed 25.4% of correlationssuperior to 0.30. The coefficient of the sampling adequacy test (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) was0.83, Bartlett's sphericity test <0.001 and the coefficient on the anti-image matrixranged between 0.77 and 0.89.
What the extraction of the factors is concerned, the total explained variance showedthree eigenvalues superior to 1.00, with a cumulative percentage that explained morethan 60.0% of the total variance, suggesting that the scale could be divided in threefactors.
As to the factor rotation, the communality test demonstrated that items 4, 6, 8 and 10obtained lower estimates (0.50) but that, due to their proximity, they could bemaintained in the scale. The estimate for item was (0.18), suggesting the removal ofthis item from the scale. To verify the satisfaction and self-confidence factors withthe learning, exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal Varimax rotation and Kaisernormalization was applied, as demonstrated in Table1.
Table 1
Items | Factor 1Satisfaction | Factor 2Self-confidence in learning |
1 | 0.81 | -0.02 |
2 | 0.79 | 0.11 |
3 | 0.82 | 0.18 |
4 | 0.63 | 0.22 |
5 | 0.66 | 0.36 |
6 | 0.20 | 0.67 |
7 | 0.24 | 0.73 |
8 | 0.34 | 0.56 |
9 | 0.73 | 0.29 |
10 | 0.23 | 0.63 |
11 | 0.14 | 0.70 |
12 | 0.11 | 0.73 |
13 | -0.01 | 0.43 |
In the distribution of the scale in two factors, it was observed that item 9 in thissample behaved better in factor 1 than in factor 2, differently from the original scale.Hence, in this study, after a detailed analysis of the item, it was included in thestudent satisfaction factor.
The internal consistency analysis of the factors using Cronbach's alpha demonstratedcoefficients of 0.86 for the satisfaction construct (06 items); 0.77 for theself-confidence in learning construct (07 items) and 0.84 for the general scale.
Pearson's correlation coefficient showed a weak correlation (0.47) between satisfactionand self-confidence in learning (p< 0.01), indicating that these factors are notcorrelated.
In Table 2, a high correlation is observedbetween practically all items and the total scale, except in item 13.
Table 2
Items | Mean | Standard Error | Correlation with total (corrected) | Alpha if the item were eliminated |
1 | 4.70 | 0.54 | 0.41 | 0.84 |
2 | 4.69 | 0.59 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
3 | 4.73 | 0.49 | 0.59 | 0.83 |
4 | 4.74 | 0.56 | 0.49 | 0.83 |
5 | 4.69 | 0.54 | 0.61 | 0.83 |
6 | 4.05 | 0.76 | 0.55 | 0.83 |
7 | 4.16 | 0.85 | 0.63 | 0.82 |
8 | 4.46 | 0.61 | 0.57 | 0.83 |
9 | 4.68 | 0.49 | 0.62 | 0.83 |
10 | 4.42 | 0.81 | 0.52 | 0.83 |
11 | 4.35 | 0.72 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
12 | 4.23 | 0.76 | 0.53 | 0.83 |
13 | 3.55 | 1.12 | 0.24 | 0.86 |
Table 3 displays descriptive statistics of thescale factors.
Table 3
Factor 1Satisfaction | Factor 2Self-confidence in learning | ||
Mean | 4.70 | 4.17 | |
Median | 5.00 | 4.14 | |
Mode | 5.00 | 4.00 | |
Standard Error | 0.41 | 0.53 | |
Variance | 0.17 | 0.28 | |
Minimum | 3.17 | 2.43 | |
Maximum | 5.00 | 5.00 | |
Percentiles | |||
25 | 4.50 | 3.86 | |
50 | 5.00 | 4.14 | |
75 | 5.00 | 4.57 |
The Portuguese version of the scale of Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence inLearning was called: Escala de Satisfação dos Estudantes e Autoconfiança com aAprendizagem. The subject students in the name of the scale was kept, in line with theoriginal scale. According to the original authors, however, the scale can be applied toany individual in the education process, without any restriction.
The psychometric tests showed a high correlation between the variables and a goodsampling adequacy for the study. As to the extraction of the factors, despite themathematical suggestion to divide the scale in three factors, as the tool was short andcontained few items, the recommendations of the original tool were followed, maintainingthe division of the scale in two factors. The need for further research on the number offactors in other studies is highlighted, as well as regarding the omission of item 13,which was present in the original scale and gave strong evidence for removal from thetool in all tests applied. In this study, the characteristic of this item may have beenimpaired by the non consideration of the theoretical part of the workshop as classcontents(21). Item 9 in the factor analysis behaved better in the student satisfactionfactor than in the self-confidence with learning factor. In the analysis of theformulation of this item, a trend is observed for the item to better assess satisfactionwith the resources used in high-fidelity simulation than self-confidence. Therefore, inthis study, this adaptation was made and the reconsideration of the behavior of thisitem in further research is suggested.
The internal consistency coefficients of the factors satisfaction and self-confidence inlearning in this study were lower than the coefficients in the original study, but arein line with other studies(22-).
In the same sense, concerning the level of significance, these findings are similar tothe findings by Smith and Roehrs(), in which the 68 nursing students investigated who used high-fidelitysimulation as a teaching strategy showed high satisfaction and self-confidence inlearning coefficients. The study appoints that the individual's satisfaction in learningin the simulated environment depends on the appropriate structuring of the strategy, andthat a design needs to be followed that includes: objectives, problem solving, studentsupport and debriefing. Any errors in this construction may compromise the teachingprocess. In that sense, the teacher responsible for the elaboration of this structureneeds to elaborate it cautiously and respect the principles and guidelines established,with a view to the effectiveness of low, medium or high-fidelity simulation.
Individuals' satisfaction and self-confidence in learning are important constructs inthe teaching environment. Measuring them can be a strong sign for the use and assessmentof teaching strategies.
In this study, the scale Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning wastranslated and validated for the Portuguese language, now called Escala de Satisfação deEstudantes e Autoconfiança com a Aprendizagem, used punctually in high-fidelitysimulation. The scale revealed good psychometric properties that revealed a goodpotential use of the tool.
The limitations in this study are the sampling size and specificity. Nevertheless,future studies will contribute to consolidate the validity of the scale and strengthenits potential use.
To the research subjects for having participated in this study.
1 Paper extracted from doctoral dissertation 'Simulação no ensino de enfermagem:validação de instrumentos de ensino-aprendizagem para a língua portuguesa', presentedto Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, PAHO/WHOCollaborating Centre for Nursing Research Development, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil.Supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES),Brazil, process # 2298-14-7.
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